As you should know he is my screamo teacher, and at first he toild me I suck and yesterday he told me im ok now and getting better! I didnt get a chance to show him my best screaming which is like the screaming done in some of the song when keeping it real goes wrong by emmure and all the screamo done in knives and pens by black veil brides. Its a loud a higher pitch and casey cant do that kinda scream. He growls amazingly.
And we went to asiana in asheville and,...ok first off every time me and case have eaten together we have stuffed our faces full till we have wanted to throw up and get bad stomach problems for a few days. And we had four big plates of sushi and other foods and we werent anywhere near full! WE WERE LIKE WHAT THE HECK???? OH!!!!! the reason I posted all signs point to lauderdale is because i wanted to say that I still dont fit in with people I love. I have always been a little to hard or too punk or to something. With the music I listen to and that I work out liek crazy and I am actually in shape and I dont mind fighting when its needed. (and yes someone told me I wasnt a punk this weekend and it pissed me off, it seems like that person is just always dissing me, but i love her so much and she is an amazing person!) So iI have just come to terms that I wont fit in FULLY most likely ever, but I always have me myself and jah, what else do I need?
So some newer stuff Is that I am sponsered as a blogger and as a boulder'er by a local clothing company and they want me to model for them in april. Another thing in april is I will be going to a dance party for modern dance and latin dance!!!! I cant wait!!!!! I am so gonna tear it up with my mom (we can dance!) I will also be getting my permit here in about two weeks which will be awesome!
OMG!!!! Have you seen the latest once upon a time episode? I DID!!!! Red riding hood who is the most flipping hotest girl is the whole show!!!!! I mean she is a punk has a muscle car! HAs abunch of wolf stuff!!! (BTW im a wolf..a punk wolf!!!!) and so anyway *SPOILER* the episode is about the big bad wolf and red, so the wolf is ACTUALLY RED!!! :OOOO heres how the convo went in my living room as me and my brother and mom were watching! "*as we figure out red is the wolf and she turns* Mom: oh my!!!! ty:holy crap didnt see that coming!!!!!! ME: thats soooo hot *drools*"
I love my life right now! Im doing everything for one reason, jah! I do hope i make a bunch of people happy like my dearest friends and the person i love, but if i dont and im makeing god happy then who cares?
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