THis is me with whitechapels lead singer phil <3 he is like a demi-god!!!!! i love him!!!!
so at one point theres a circle pit going on and some guy runs across straight at me *u dont do that to people on the outside during a circle pit* so what i did was take a few steps back run a little and haymaker (punch with all my body weight) right in his chest ok? so one minnute he looks like this -> I ....and then i hit him he looks like this -> __ so yeah im pretty strong. at one point a girl hit me in the head. she was pretty cute she held my shirt and a few other guys shirts at one point when it got too hot. oohhh i also tore my acl and mcl again in my knee at the concert!!! i love moshing... hehehehe
This is me with the lead singer from the plot in you and with my two other frinds i made the one with black hair is cris the blonde is dakota. we all moshed like crazy and after one of the first bands i looked at dakota picked him up and threw him on top of people and he got to crowd surf he repaid the favor by getting his friend to lift me up more than a few times it was amazing the first time i surfed EVAAA i was surfing and then BLAM!!!!! im in the air thrown abt a few people over!!! i got to surf 4 times that night
This was the crowd from the back of the "peel" for whitechapel

I bought a shirt yes i knowwww. it says the f word but it was crazy hot in there dso i got a tank top and it ripped alot which i sowed back today and im going to duct tape over the f word!!!!!! u see that signature at the top!! HEHEHEHE ITS PHILS!!! FORM WHITECHAPEL HEHEHEHEH
and then i got the singer from after the burial <3 to sign here hehehehehe and i got a few other signatures on some business cards hehehehehehehe im still giggly from it
annndddd of course i got another shirt this is a whitechapel shirt that says "YOU'RE ALL WORTHLESS" which is very much like me and i love it the saying is what the lead singer always says to the crowds
just another random photo
randooommm ohh and u see thosee deelliiiccious fried pickles down there????? they are amazing!!!! my older brother casey works as a chef at "frog leaps public house" in downtown waynesville and its an amazing resturant!!!!1
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