OK...WOW, its been awhile since Ive done one of these I litterally forgot I had a blog. Ok so anyway my lifes doing a whole lot better ^_^ im alot happier than usuall. I got to go waltzing with some of my friends. They werent greeeat at it but who CARES??? I LOVE TO WALTZ!!! So I got to see my bro randy and hang with my other bro Earl A.K.A Fluffy. We went to this place to eat before called Fiores....IT TWAS AMAAZING! I got the tortellini alla panna and it was amazing! I found it hilarious that the bathroom wallpaper was a bunch of books (not real it was printed on the paper) and people had put names of books on them most were actually intelligent not perverted. Ok so we are going to be getting BIGGER group to go contra danceing which is waltz and other sequenced dances. It willbe at
the Grey Eagle in asheville at 8 p.m. Please come!!!! And in other news A bunch of my friends are going to see mutemath in march. I love this band and I told meggy that I wasnt going so if she hits me with a book for lieing to her Ill know she reads my posts on here hahaha. And anyway there will be five people are waiting 3 or 4 hours in the fast lane line to get good seats and save 12 seats! O_O and im in that group we are calling it the K-9 unit cause it is WOLF (me), Fennec (Devin Brady (i call him devi..a character out of name of the wind)), Ashton (girl to my right in the black dress, who danced quite excellent and I cant wait to tear up the floor with her on the 12th), Randy (tallest guy in the back in the brown with the awesome smile), and the she-wolf (Lacie hurst...She is not my mate, she maaayyy not be going), and is she-wolf doesnt come fennec's sister will Brenna...My veiw on Brenna: she should learn to use a drill hahaha, shes pretty cool, shes a jacket stealer so watch out (meh i dont care really my temperature runs 3 degrees higher than normal) she has good music taste and gets my taste in girls with hairy faces (hahaha inside story). And anyway I cant wait till march we got our assembly (which i maaaayyy have a very big surprise for some peoples).....anywho thats all for now. oh wait school ok so this homeschooling thing is eaassssyyy by my calculations *monical* ill be done right around my 17th birthdate. anywho i hope everyone has funn and shows up to waltz!
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