
Friday, December 28, 2012
KILL TUMBLR!!!!! (or maybe just the stupid, lazy, illiterate people)
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Updates so many updates
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
So me and a friend were talking and she asked my fav car. Which is ig u dont know is my grandfathers 1982 red t-top corvette amd then she said hera was a "shelby GT 500" here was my response:
Cause their regular mustangs suck so bad they have to slap a GT on their better engines (which cost them more to make) so they can sell it at a higher price when really performance wise u can get the same horsepower and torque out of an old chevy muscle car. than the newer mustangs. U see ford had it right in the old days nice mustangs and let shelby cobra build their OWN cars then ford got greedy bought out shelby and started making shi**y cars for more money.
And GT's are made for racing. Lile ferrari gt's are meant specially for racing. When yet yes the shelby gt 500 can put out i think like 650 hp at 6500rpm and torque of arnd 635lb-ft @ 4000 rpm which gives it great speed and acceleration but. Due to the lack of aerodynamics and how bulky the car is and top heavy it is. its pretty much useless for racing unless ur doing drag which to me involves no skill except to.mechanics. now if u like the look of the mustang i can agree the look but raised a mechanic amd racer i despise the.mustangs except the 60 models and early 70'
Monday, December 3, 2012
Book update
So i have a new fav author. John green. Look him up. Anywho someone gave me "looking for alaska" it made me cry and want to kill myself.....but in a good way if tht makes sense. I had to put the book down at a certain time and just cry. Anywho im reading his newest book "the fault in our stars". And it anyway read itand im not done but its awesome. Btw i finished looking for alaska in a night. And anyway in the new book it talks alot abt death heres what i have to say...."i am a grenade", we all are u see cause when we die we have this effect on everyone around us. We all think abt how we want to veiwed ya know? We want people to think a certain thing at our funeral.....screw thar crap i say we need to just be ourselves and ya know live! For instance i got a TBH (to be honest ) thing on face book and it read "tbh: Tucker ...welll....ur Tucker "...and tht made me so happy. Why? Cause im not labeled as a certain thing lile happy or crazy person im labeled as me:) and being urself is what i believe in:) anywho im gonna get off before i cry ..peace