

Thursday, November 22, 2012

5k race and sponsorship!

Well i got a call at 11 last night saying i should join a 5k (3 mile) race today at 9a.m......of course i argue and complain then do it. so i havent ran at all in months but ut of 80 plus people i came in 15 overall and 3rd in my age group there was alot of people in  myt age group my little brother came in 35th overall and got 2nd in his group...also i have been longboarding non-stop the past month and more and anyway i got sponsored yes by a local clothing company call surivival pride heres their facebook site i got only one longboarder on the team with me and i got ryan moses on bmx and omg is he amazing and then anothony brown for snowboarding a long member of survival pride!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

C.J.P's photos of the week: instruments

Welp its time again for another segiment of Caleb Jones photography this week I'm featuring some of his Instrumental pics...please enjoy